View Off Season Show
Directed by: Glenn Farr
Produced by: Linda DuRant
Auditions: Dec. 2 & 3 (6 PM)
Synopsis: It’s a vacation road trip with the family... nothing crazy ever happens on those, right?
by Lou Clyde
Directed by: Jim DeFelice
Produced by: Lou Clyde
Auditions: Jan. 14 & 15 (7 PM)
Synopsis: What do you do when your mother-in-law moves in with you? Find her a new husband! The girls from Heck the Dolls are back in a new comedy by Lou Clyde
Directed by: Zsuzsa Manna
Produced by: Tiffany Dinsmore
Auditions: Sun, July 15 (6 PM) and Mon, July 16 (7 PM)
Synopsis: Olivia and Gabe are moving in together -- new city, new jobs, new apartment. Things get interesting when both sets of parents decide to visit!
Directed by: Tiffany Dinsmore
Produced by: Meesh Hays
Auditions: Sept 23 & 24 at 6 PM
Synopsis: The Peanuts gang discovers the true meaning of Christmas. This will be a holiday classic in Chapin.
Directed by: Tiffany Dinsmore
Auditions: Sat, April 28 (4 PM) & Sun, April 29 (6 PM)
Synopsis: What could be better for summer? A little sand, a little surf, and a little love!
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