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Chapin Theatre Company
PO Box 360
Chapin, SC 29036
Jim DeFelice
(803) 240-8544
Thanks to our patrons, we have raised enough money to buy the property we’ve been looking into to make our new home. We hope to close by February.
We only need about $30,000 - plus some in-kind donations - to renovate the building.
This is truly amazing how quickly this is happening, but we still need your help. This is now becoming a reality and we need your support to help get the funds needed to renovate.
Please donate to help make this dream come true for CTC and our our Chapin Community!
Please help us keep live theatre alive in the Chapin area by donating to our Building Fund. You can donate online or write a check and send it to PO Box 360, Chapin, SC 29036,
or call Jim DeFelice at 803-404-0015.
You can also donate simply by shopping on Amazon. Just sign on with
and choose Chapin Community Theatre as your charity. It’s no cost to you and we get a percentage of your expenditures from Amazon — how cool is that!
#StartWithaSmile at for your holiday gifts and Amazon donates to Chapin Community Theatre Inc.
© Chapin Theatre Company. All rights reserved.
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