Synopsis: The small town of Elroy, South Carolina is thrust into the evangelical spotlight when what seems to be the image of Jesus appears on a refrigerator in a trailer park. The discovery by Lou Ann Hightower, her husband Dwayne, and her best friend Betsy, sets into motion a frenzy of conflict, communion and good old fashioned commerce. When the National Investigator turns the appearance into front-page headlines, their trailer park becomes a Mecca for miracle seekers, soul searchers and disciples with a decidedly political agenda. At the urging of the towns business leaders, Betsy pretends to get messages from the appliance-based apparition, and the crowds multiply like loaves and fishes. Through the ordeal, the three undergo an evolution in their relationships with each other, and they are forced to come to grips with their lowly status in the caste system of the rural south. In a region where religion is as much a part of life as grits and cotton fields, God surely moves in mysterious ways.
Lisa Litchfield -- Lou Ann Hightower
Travis Page -- Dwayne Hightower
Jessica Fichter -- Betsy Gridley
Jonathan Fletcher -- Rev. Cecil Hodges
Chad Forrester -- Larry Williamson
MonaLisa Botts -- Granny-Mom/Woman
Sonny DeVore -- Bonnie/Child
William Botts -- Stranger
MonaLisa Botts -- Director
Lou Clyde -- Producer
TBA -- Technical Director
Bonnie Lyons -- Stage Manager
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