by Mitch Albom
Directed by MonaLisa Botts
Feb. 26 - 8 pm - Sold Out
Feb. 27 - 8 pm - Sold Out
Feb. 28 - 3 pm - Sold Out
March 3 - 8 pm
March 4 - 8 pm - Sold Out
March 5 - 8 pm - Sold Out
March 6 - 3 pm matinee
All performances are at the Firehouse Theatre
Duck Hunter Shoots Angel is the uproarious story of two bumbling Alabama brothers who have never shot a duck but think they shot an angel. As they lament their fates in a murky swamp, they are chased by a cynical tabloid journalist and his reluctant photographer, who don't believe any of it -— until feathers, wings and a tiara are discovered along the way. The play hysterically interweaves a love story, sibling rivalry, tawdry media, race relations and cultural stereotypes as the chase to find the angel builds to a crescendo in the swamp. Ultimately a sweet allegory about redemption, Duck Hunter Shoots Angel has been hailed by audiences as a rare comedy with a surprisingly heartfelt lesson.
Sandy | Travis Page |
Lenny | Chadwick Presley |
Lester | Jonathan Fletcher |
Duane | David Fichter |
Duwell | Merritt Vann |
Woman | Lindsey Knowlton |
Kansas | Kori Hays |
The Voice | Ripley Thames* |
Gator Man Creature | William Botts |
Director | MonaLisa Botts |
Producer | Kari Beaty |
Producer | David Fichter |
Technical Director | Gabriel Marchant |
Stage Manager | Beverly Moreland |
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