Chapin Theatre Company


On this page you'll find all currently available information about auditions at Chapin Theatre Company. This information, which includes dates, times, locations, roles available and audition requirements, is typically available during the run of the preceding show. For information about the shows themselves, please visit our Season page.

The Sensuous Senator

Auditions will be held on Mon, Jan. 11 & Tues, Jan. 12 at 7 PM at the Harbison Theatre rehearsal room. 7300 College Street, Irmo, SC. Performances will be April 8 - 17 at the Harbison Theatre. There are roles for 4 men and 5 women. If you have any questions, please email Tiffany Dinsmore at


Senator Douglas is running for President on a "morality" platform, but when his wife Lois leaves to attend a conference in Chicago he does not hesitate to invite Veronica, his secretary and lover, over. Finding her unavailable, he has an escort agency send voluptuous Fiona. All seems well until his elderly Congressional colleague and neighbor locks himself out and asks to spend the night. Then Congressman Jack Maguire drops in unexpectedly and Fiona, unsure who her client is, zeros in on him. Meanwhile, Veronica changes her plans and appears on the scene. Before Lois reaches the airport, her fashionable Washington townhouse is swarming with libidinous politicians, scantily dressed women, security police and a muckraking reporter from The National Intruder! When snow closes the airport and she returns home, the bedlam crescendos to a surprise ending in this outrageous farce.


SENATOR HARRY DOUGLAS: suave; elegant; imposing. As a candidate for President of The United States, he presents a character with the careful combination of the external politician and the real Harry who is, of course, "The Sensuous Senator." A man whose libido has him constantly in trouble, he is, by his very nature, not only the philanderer the title suggests, but something of a natural clown.

LOIS DOUGLAS: kind; caring; motherly. The Senator's long suffering wife, who is blissfully unaware of her husband's continual infidelities. The impeccably groomed, ever attentive, and smiling politician's wife.

CONGRESSMAN JACK MAGUIRE: young; idealistic; naive. A first term congressman. Early in Act I he inadvertently takes a massive dose of sleeping pills and spends the rest of the play falling asleep and avoiding the clutches of Fiona, who is fiercely determined to get him into bed.

CONGRESSMAN CLYDE SALT: old; almost senile; a natural comedian who steals the show. An elderly congressman, a cynic and wit. A pivotal character whose dry sense of humor creates laughs galore as he sees, (when he can find his glasses) yet does not see, all the incredible happenings occurring around him.

FIONA: young; bright; perky; sexy. A high class call girl who, in her own words, "specializes in members of Congress." While she spends most of the play in her underwear, she should not be seen as cheap or tawdry.

MISS MORRISON: serious; businesslike; humorless. An investigative reporter for "The National Intruder," she keeps 'poppin up' throughout the play. Her ever present camera is always poised as she seeks that elusive photograph of the Sensuous Senator 'caught in the act'.

VERONICA: Harry's secretary and lover. When Harry asks her on the phone "Can your hormones come over tonight?" she can and they do! Playing the role of the sexy temptress, she is totally frustrated throughout the evening by all the action going on around her. She finally gives up and 'blows the whistle.' A stunning, voluptuous seductress.

THE POLICEMAN: the closest anyone comes to being 'the straight man.' Constantly appearing at the most inappropriate times (for Harry and his paramours) to do searches and security checks, his rather serious manner creates many opportunities for laughs.


FEB 26 - MAR 6

Duck Hunter Shoots Angel

by Mitch Albom

Directed by MonaLisa Botts

Feb. 26 - 8 pm
Feb. 27 - 8 pm
Feb. 28 - 3 pm matinee
March 3 - 8 pm
March 4 - 8 pm
March 5 - 8 pm
March 6 - 3 pm matinee

All performances are at Harbison Theatre - 7300 College Street, Irmo, SC